Mutated Edges PCB


3 in stock

SKU: ASKU70 Categories: ,

Enough with the analog, warm and organic.

Edges is a module strictly focused on the straight lines, sharp edges, and clinical harsh modulations of digital logic.

Its architecture is loosely based on classic 8-bit console soundchips, providing 4 simple voltage-controlled voices. Each voice consists of a digital oscillator with two pitch CV inputs and a coarse pitch knob, with a gate input allowing the voice to be turned on/off without the need for an external VCA. The 4 channels are sent to an onboard mixer – making Edges easy to use for chord generation or heavy drone synthesis applications.

The price is for the blank PCB pictured only.  Analog Classics does not provide any support for this open-source project.

Link to GitHub

Additional information

Analog Classics





Input impedances


CV acquisition

4kHz, 12-bit

Channel 1 to 3

4MHz, 1-bit

Channel 4

48kHz, 12-bit

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