Plum Audio uJove PCB [v1.2]


Only the blank PCB pictured is included.

27 in stock

SKU: 101122 Categories: ,

Plum Audio uJove is 8hp version of Jove – Multimode filter By System 80 that is inspired by the Roland Jupiter 6 filter.

uJove is exactly the same circuit as the original 14 hp Jove with the same amazing sound.

2 extra modifications have been added to increase the sound variety:

  1. When no jack is plugged in to input 2 Positive feedback from the output to input 2 is activated. the feedback level can be controlled by LEVEL 2 knob.
  2. Input 2 level knob can add 6dB of gain, 0dB on the middle, +6dB (clipping) when fully clockwise.

4 LEDs of the original 14 hp Jove replaced by one RGB Led

Modes colours: RED – LP24 , ORANGE – LP12 , BLUE – BP , GREEN – HP

About Positive Feedback:

Resonance = inverted feedback

Positive feedback should distort the signal.

In LP2/4 modes (red/orange) the positive feedback alone can make pulses.

it’s better to mix between positive and negative feedback to achieve distorted worm sound. Also, try to use input 2 in LP modes and the positive feedback become clipper (attenuation until the middle position of the knob and clipping from middle position)

The positive feedback sounds much better in BP/HP modes (blue/green) to achieve great distortion.

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Analog Classics



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