Erica Synths BBD Delay/Flanger PCB & Aluminum Panel Set


4 in stock

“Erica Synths DIY BBD Delay/Flanger is one of the few BBD (bucket brigade delay) chip based DIY modules. The module is designed to provide variety of effects from flanger to delays with adjustable flavours and plenty of modulation possibilities.
  • 4092 stage BBD 
  • Up to 300ms delay time 
  • Delay time CV input with an attenuator 
  • Feedback Send-Return circuit for external effects 
  • Built in LFO with dedicated output 
  • Two customizable feedback overdrive flavours 
  • LP filter on the output with selectable cutoff 
  • Dedicated Wet output

The module has built in LFO with selectable shape and dedicated LFO output, delay time CV input with an attenuator, selectable feedback overdrive and feedback Send-Return connectors, so you can apply external effects on feedback signal. Maximums feedback settings put the module in self oscillation, so it can be used as an experimental sound source, as well.”

Analog Classics PCBs are manufactured to the highest quality standards.  This kit is bagged and sealed individually to prevent damages to copper traces during shipping.

This design is made available by Erica Synths under the CC-BY-SA-3.0 license.


Additional information

Analog Classics



Max delay time


Audio output amplitude

10V ptp

CV amplitude (full span)

-5 – +5V

Panel width

14 HP

Module depth

45 mm

Power consumption

30mA @+12V; 20mA @-12V

Panel Material


Compatible Brand



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