Mutated Peaks PCB


1 in stock

SKU: 101316 Categories: ,

Peaks provides 4 different functions in a small 8-HP package: ADSR, LFO / Tap tempo LFO, and drum synth.

Their common point? They are all about generating an audio or CV signal in response to a trigger, and are all focused on rhythmic works.

Peaks is a dual-channel module – making it very useful for duophonic patches or for controlling/synthesizing the kick/snare rhythmic backbone of a patch.

Link to GitHub

The price is for the blank PCB pictured only.  Analog Classics does not provide support for this open-source project.

Additional information

Analog Classics




100k impedance, threshold at 0.6V

Output level

0 to +8V for envelopes, 10Vpp for LFOs and drum signals